Thursday, May 16, 2013

Monday: Algae Lab

Today we did a lab with partners, of looking at algae and organisms from ponds under a microscope. The last time we did an algae lab we found much more organisms than this one. We found no algae except Stigeoclonium, but it was mostly just a lot of grasses. Although, we were able to see Oscillatoria and Closterium from Ms. Wood's microscope. The Closterium was really interesting to look at, because you could actually see where the gypsum crystals would be, and the line through the middle of the crescent shaped algae. We found some really weird looking organisms. We were able to find a Damselfly Larva,  and Predaceous Diving Beetle Larva, and many Scuds, as well as a Paramecium (from Ms. Wood). While it was extremely difficult to capture photos of the organisms on our phones, due to some of their quick movements, but also to get the light correct and in focus, but after MANY attempts, we were able to get a few good ones!

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