Friday, May 24, 2013

Invasive Plant Blog

Invasive Plants

Common Name: Alligator Weed
Scientific Name: Alternanthera philaxeroides
Description: Emergent, Aggressive mat forming perennial (every year), has a white flower,
Reproduction: Spreads from seed of plant fragments
Problems Caused: Impedes navigation and displaces native vegetation
Prevention:Laws that make it ilegal to prevent or transport in Texas

Common Name: Hydrilla
Scientific Name: Hydrilla verticuillata
Description: Perennial, grows more than one inch per day
Reproduction: Spreads through tubers, turions, stolons, and fragments. No seeds
Problems Caused: Displaces native vegetation, Impedes navigation. Slow water flow, jam against bridges and dams and causes flooding. Mats cover over water, wont allow light in.
Prevention: Prohibited because it causes so many problems.

Common Name: Eurasian Watermilfoil
Scientific Name: Myriophyllum spicatum
Description: Submerged, Stems are red when actively growing, grows perennially, was brought to the U.S. in the 1950s.
Reproduction: Spreads by seeds, fragments, and stolents
Problems Caused: Impedes navigation, displaces native vegetation and is spread by boats, trailers, and birds
Prevention: Prohibited because so many problems.

Common Name: Giant Salvinia
Scientific Name: Salvinia molesta
Description: Free floating, aquatic fern, dense mats, root hairs on leaves, resemble "egg beaters". In Australia, known to grow 3 ft above the surface of a lake.
Reproduction: Spreads rapidly by buds
Problems Caused: Reduces oxygen, negatively effects water quality habitat, it is almost impossible to eradicate.Causes flooding and clogs pipes. Blocks sunlight and prevents oxygen.
Prevention: Prohibited because of problems in Australia and South Africa

Common Name: Water Hyacinth
Scientific Name: Elchhornia crassipes
Description: Free floating plants with violet flowers. It is one of the fastest growing plants known. Brought into U.S. during the late 1800s
Reproduction: Reproduces by daughter plants and forms thousands of seeds
Problems Caused: Uptakes nutrients in the water and releases H ions which acidify the water. Reduces oxygen levels
Prevention: Herbicide

Common Name: Water Lettuce
Scientific Name: Pistia stratiotes
Description: Free floating, perennial, rosette of gray-green leaves. Creates large mats and resembles a floating open head of lettuce
Reproduction: daughter plants
Problems Caused: Large mats affect habitat and impedes navigation
Prevention: Against Texas laws to possess or transport. Can be removed physically by raking, by insects, or by pesticides.

Common Name:Purple Loosestrife
Scientific Name: Lythrum salicaria
Description: Emergent, invasive wetland, brought to Eastern U.S. 200 years ago. Added to weland for their fusia colored flowers.
Reproduction: Each plant can produce 2-3 million seeds.
Problems Caused: Clogs irrigation canals, in all 50 states except Florida. Replaces native vegetation
Prevention: There are several different beetles that have been brought in to eat away at the plant

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